What began as an exhibition race in 2020, the Bagger Racing League™ has now unfolded into a groundbreaking series comprised of 4 adrenaline-filled Harley Davidson® V-Twin bagger classes featuring the iconic Harley Davidson Street Glide® and Road Glide® models – the same cruising bikes millions of enthusiasts proudly ride the world over. The embodiment of the American drive to be “bigger, faster, stronger,” has taken the performance world by storm and Bagger Racing League presents a front seat to a historical blend of classic motorcycle culture and thrilling speed across five exclusive classes. The inaugural event will be televised as a live audience witnesses intense weekend-long on-track competition surrounded by an expansive atmosphere of sponsor displays including manufacturers, Harley-Davidson dealerships, independent custom motorcycle shops, stunt shows, the Arlen Ness Custom Bike Show, and much more. Event goers can purchase a 2-day race ticket and camp for the weekend or park in the ride-in-show area where thousands of motorcycles will line the event midway in a spectacular display.