Meet David Uhl


David Uhl was born into a family of engineers and artists which made him particularly suited for capturing the lifestyle inherent in motorcycling culture. He purchased his first bike in 1988 and soon after his pencils and pens reflected his visual passion for the sport. In 1993 he began producing countless best selling artworks for Harley-Davidson apparel.

After several years at the helm of Uhl Studios, an award-winning illustration company, David fulfilled his desire to move into Fine Art. In 1998, he created his first oil painting and, upon taking it to Harley-Davidson headquarters in Milwaukee, he was eagerly welcomed as the first ever licensed oil painter for The Motor Company. 

Since then, David has created scores of masterpieces reviving the rich history of this legendary manufacturer. Poring over the company’s black and white photography archives, he has selected numerous compositions and brought them “back to life” in oil on canvas. His timeless style is perfect for capturing the deep emotions Harley-Davidson evokes and will allow the legacy to live on for generations to come.

David is also putting his touch on aviation, automotive and western themes.