Kathy Tolleson is the founder and CEO of ROAR Motorcycles, Inc. As CEO of this company, she has helped bring a fresh look to the female segment of the motorcycle industry. Kathy is also the author of “Hear My ROAR, Women, Motorcycles and Mental Health.” The book is a wonderful compilation of life tips related to motorcycling, her story and the philosophy of ROAR. Kathy shares her love of motorcycling and personal anecdotes to help empower women to be all they can be. She started riding at the age of ten and now, at sixty, her passion is to help introduce other women to the sport of motorcycling.
Kathy opened and ran a dealership specializing in the women’s market in Daytona Beach for six years. ROAR has customized and fit motorcycles for women from all over the United States. ROAR has motorcycles in 27 states, Canada, France and Germany. She believes women are hungry for “out-of-the-box” designs, colors, accessories and presentation. Kathy has taught a Pre MSF Course Confidence Building Class to help women bridge their fears and take the leap of taking the MSF Course.
She is now ready to multiply the ROAR concept through boutique dealerships and ROAR Certified Departments in existing dealership. In 2012, ROAR licensed West Coast ROAR in Vancouver Island, Canada and have recently turned the local Florida market over to ROAR Volusia in order to concentrate on the big picture of ROAR.