Shantel Krebs grew up on a farm near Arlington in Kingsbury County where her dad ran cattle and her mom did the books. A typical South Dakotan, she was helping out on the farm from an early age. But chores were much more fun when she was able to perform them with the help of her grandfather’s old Suzuki 80 dirt bike. The low profile was perfect for a small girl learning to ride across the dirt of the farm. When she turned 16 she had a yearning for something more powerful, and so made her first independent “big” purchase; a Honda 250 Rebel.
“Mom and Dad made me take the Safety Course,” said Shantel. “It made me a more defensive rider and helped me get my license. Now I’ve been riding practically my whole life. I just love the freedom and fresh air.”
Before serving in the South Dakota State Legislature representing Minnehaha and Lincoln counties, Shantel was named Miss South Dakota. She is now serving as South Dakota Secretary of State and is running for the state’s at-large seat in the United States House of Representatives.