Vicki “Spitfire” Sanfelipo, RN is best known in the motorcycle community for her efforts to reduce injuries and fatalities to motorcyclists through First Response Education. Vicki established Accident Scene Management (ASM) in 1996. Since then, ASM has become the Leading Motorcycle Trauma Training organization in the world. It is for this work and more that Vicki was inducted into the Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 2020.
ASM trains both motorcyclists and professional rescuers. The goal is to have instructors in every state some day and make First Response education accessible and affordable. Since the first person at a motorcycle scene is typically another motorcyclist it is important to get as many people as possible trained.
Vicki’s passion for motorcycling has manifested itself in other areas as she:
• Is a keynote speaker on motorcycle safety
• Serves as the course medic for the Motorcycle Cannonball
• Has authored two books on Motorcycle First Response
• Served as the female representative and motorcycle safety columnist for Allstate Rider News for eight years
• Has written and produced several videos on motorcycle safety
• Has appeared in four books about female riders, most notable “Biker Chicks of North America”.
• Joined the Iron Butt Association in 2009.
• Co-founded “Women In Motion”, a group of 25 trained female Road Guards. Vicki has been Road Guarding and leading group rides since 1996.
• Co-founded “Road Guardians,” an organization that promotes lifelong learning and a commitment to motorcycle safety.
• Co-founded “Diamond Posse,” Women Serving Veterans.
Although from Wisconsin, Vicki has deep roots in the Black Hills. In 2002 she married Motorcycle Hall of Fame recipient, Tony Sanfelipo, on the same day he was inducted into the Hall of Fame as the first Freedom Fighter. Tony & Vicki were the first people to be married on the arm of Crazy Horse Mountain.