Meet Mackenzie Glover

B2B Content & Event Manager

Mackenzie Glover’s nickname in our operation is “The Bridge”. While she MAY be able to bang out a funky transition covering a James Brown tune, it’s actually because she’s the liaison between two very busy departments: sponsorship and marketing. Tasked with helping each department keep contractual promises, deliver for our clients and find efficiencies within the process, she fills in a critical gap in a highly visible part here at the Chip.

In the evenings during the rally, Mackenzie will be seen backstage managing sponsorship on-stage activations. She makes sure sponsors know where to go, that the stage team is aware of the activity and tees up the next activity in an often hectic and time-sensitive operation. Her efforts help keep the swag flying in between acts on the main stage and make sure each sponsor is bathed in the Chip’s limelight. Balancing between the ever-changing environment, the stage crew’s needs and the pressure of keeping the audience engaged, Mackenzie does it with a calm and determination to deliver on behalf of the entire Buffalo Chip team, sponsors and our guests.