Meet Steve Owen

Main Stage & Facilities Director

Stage managers are not shy of life near the limelight – they just don’t want to be in it! Nevertheless, we are shining the spotlight on a guy who ensures that every attendee who comes to see an act perform at the Buffalo Chip has an excellent concert experience.

Steve Owen has been the Buffalo Chip Stage manager for 29 years. He’s got countless shows under his belt and experience from all over the US. He makes sure performers know that the stage is THEIRS and works hard with his crew to deliver the kind of performance the artists and Buffalo Chip fans expect.

With an awesome house sound system, known for both gut-punching power and clarity, and a bevy of crew scrambling around the huge stage, the job would be overwhelming for somebody with less experience. But even when things get crazy (imagine a storm rolling though or sudden change in schedule) Steve’s expertise and focus ensure that The Best Party Anywhere keeps our guests rockin’.

Steve’s talents go well beyond the stage, and his notorious work ethic has seen him lead significant grounds improvements, building upgrades and facility programs that have benefitted the entire Buffalo Chip Campground. There are loads of specialists who ensure the Buffalo Chip experience is top-notch, many are led by a guy who busts his ass for Woody and our guests – call sign Steve!