Embrace Your Inner Outlaw at the Chip’s Summer Music Festival
Get ready for a performance that will grab you by the throat with its first guitar strum and hold on tight until the release of the final chord. Brantley Gilbert is adding his unique style of outlaw country rock to the Buffalo Chip’s 2015 summer music festival lineup on Sunday, Aug. 2, things are about to get all fired up!
Brantley Gilbert is an accomplished singer-songwriter whose live performances come at you swingin’. Songs about raising hell, running moonshine, drinking beer and busting up knuckles delivered through Gilbert’s growling vocals will make you feel like a total badass and leave you dying to hear what’s next.

In the past six years, the Georgia native has gotten rowdy with fans around the globe thanks to the success of hits like “Hell On Wheels,” “Bottoms Up,” “Small Town Thowdown,” “Kick It in the Sticks,” “You Don’t Know Her Like I Do,” and “Country Must Be Country Wide.” But Brantley Gilbert will up the ante when he heads to the Chip during the 75th anniversary of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

There’s no better place to see bad boy Brantley Gilbert bring the house down than the biggest, baddest party in Buffalo Chip history. You’ve only got one chance, so don’t miss it! Reserve your passes now!
Were you lucky enough to see Brantley Gilbert rock the Chip’s summer music festival in 2013? Tell us about your experience in the comments below!
“Good friends…good music. Home away from home.” – Darsel Cox