MEOW! Ten Fierce Photos of Poster Model Lainie

By Jeff Smith

Lainie plowed through the snowy, muddy muck in her white Jeep on that frigid May morning, ready to strip down to a tiny blue bikini and a pair of heels. It wasn’t an ideal day for a photo shoot, but when you’re an in-demand model working with the area’s most renowned boudoir photographer, the show must go on.

As the winner of the 2019 Sturgis Buffalo Chip Poster Model Search presented by Bud Light, Lainie had already proven she was ready for anything, so she showed up to the 75-year old barn at CAMP ZERO, ready to go to work (and work it).

The results of her photo shoot were absolutely stunning, but don’t take our word for it. Check out the behind-the-scenes sexy shots below to see for yourself!

Lainie says the three words that describe her personality are “flexible, bewitching, and determined!”

We certainly fell under her spell during the 2019 Poster Model Search.

“Flexible” might be an understatement when it comes to describing Lainie.

Her favorite party trick is to fold into a back bend and pick up her beer bottle using only her mouth. Yowza!

She loves being active, whether it’s rock climbing, swimming, fire dancing, lifting weights, or riding her Harley.

She had no problem making herself comfortable on this 2019 Fat Boy 114 from Black Hills Harley-Davidson for her shoot with Henry Roy Photography.

Lainie might have a sweet smile, but she’s not to be messed with– Her spirit animal is a Black Widow.

“Not only do I eat my prey when I’m done with them (kidding… kinda), but I also have a black widow tattooed on my skull!”

She’s not afraid to try new things. The weirdest thing Lainie’s ever eaten? Octopus.

“I had to douse it in Tabasco to make it salvageable!”

The best piece of advice she’s ever received? Take It Easy.

“Apply this to anything! The throttle and clutch while learning to ride, when you’ve got too much stress on your plate, and most importantly when you say goodbye to also say ‘take it easy,’ so they know you care.”

Someone so relaxed and confident should make a great Poster Model. Lainie agrees.

“Besides knowing the Buffalo Chip like a second home, I am the woman for the job due to my social skills, my extensive social outreach, my longtime professional career in the entertainment industry, and my passion for the BEST PARTY ANYWHERE!!!”

Her biggest pet peeve is distracted driving.

“Especially during the Sturgis Rally,” she added.

Lainie’s favorite outfit is “anything that allows me to get some sun!”

Her Sturgis Buffalo Chip tank top and daisy dukes soaked up all the sun available on that chilly May day.

If you can’t find Lainie on a dance floor or in the gym, check the garage for her Harley.

Because chances are she’s out riding.

Hungry for a second helping?

See Lainie and the rest of the Buffalo Chip Poster Model Search finalists reveal a whole lot more in the Sturgis Rider News Blog article 2019 Poster Model Search Finalists: Posed And Exposed .

The article includes fun details about all the finalists, as well as beautiful boudoir shots and one seriously sexy behind-the-scenes video of the finalists in their Daisy Dukes taken during the photo shoot.

Special thank you to Bud Light, KSQY Radio, Henry Roy Photography, Black Hills Harley-Davidson and the Buffalo Chip Tattoo Café for their contributions to the 2019 Poster Model Search.

What was your favorite photo from the sneak peek? Tell us in the comments below!

Presented by the Sturgis Buffalo Chip
Known as The Best Party Anywhere®, the Legendary Buffalo Chip believes festivals should be fun like a high five, reenergize you like a broken rule, and romance you like someone you just met and have to take home.

This nine-day festival of concerts and motorcycle events promises to bring you exciting events like flat track races and live performances from artists like Aerosmith, Willie Nelson, Five Finger Death Punch, Kid Rock, Rob Zombie and many more.

Find out more or get passes to the Best Party Anywhere at and find out why it continues to be one of the most televised festivals in the world.