It's that time of year again where the sound of jingle bells and holiday songs are ringing through the air just about everywhere you go. While there's nothing wrong with cranking up some traditional tunes, those of you looking to rock will find this ready-made playlist filled with choice jams perfect for getting you rockin' out in the holiday spirit. Vary up your listening this holiday season by checking out this list of holiday songs that'll rock your stockings off from your friends at The Best Party Anywhere – The Legendary Sturgis Buffalo Chip.
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25 Bands That Could Rock the Sturgis Buffalo Chip’s Motorcycle and Music Festival
by Jeff Smith | PUBLISHED ON OCT 13, 2024
Securing bands for The Best Party Anywhere® is no easy feat.
It often takes the entire year before all the variables fall into place.
But the process always starts by listening to requests from fans like you.
Planning is currently underway, and lots of you have been asking about bands and listing ones you’d ride across the country naked in a blizzard to see perform.
The following is a list of 25 bands that fans like you have put on the Chip’s radar. Are these the bands you’d go nuts to see join the Sturgis Buffalo Chip lineup?
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6 Ways Anyone Can Get on Stage at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip®
by Mary Panerio | PUBLISHED ON FEB 29, 2024
It doesn’t matter if you’re the next Hendrix, can burp your ABCs or are simply riding a streak of luck. There’s a way for anyone to get on stage at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip. If you’d like to walk in the very footsteps of some of the most legendary names in music and spend a moment in the spotlight make sure you check out these five simple ways that can land you a spot on the Chip stage.
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Experience The Chip® Through the Eyes of Photographer Jordan Axtman
by Mackenzie Glover | PUBLISHED ON OCT 4, 2023
Capturing epic moments for you to see from Sturgis concerts on The Wolfman Jack Stage has been photographer Jordan Axtman’s main gig at the Buffalo Chip for the last 10 years. In 2024, he also captured and curated tons of memorable moments throughout the Chip grounds to encapsulate the unbelievable energy at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip® so you can see ALL of the action.
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Your Closest Look Yet: The Best Sturgis Buffalo Chip Concert Photos of 2022
by Mary Panerio | PUBLISHED ON SEP 21, 2022
Not just anyone can score a spot on the Buffalo Chip’s legendary Wolfman Jack Main Stage. The long list of iconic performers and celebrities who have graced this stage have set the bar high. Only the top talent makes it into the spotlight, and only The Chip® photographers get to capture the magic.
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8 of the Weirdest Moments in Sturgis Buffalo Chip History
by Jeff Smith | PUBLISHED ON APR 20, 2020
Throwing a nine-day party every August for 39 consecutive years requires shaking things up. A willingness to try new things is vital to keeping things fresh, so having an open mind is key. While judging people is against everything The Best Party Anywhere® stands for, sometimes it’s hard not to look back at some of the events and resulting odd moments that have taken place over the years and go, “uhh… wut?!” Check out some of the weirdest moments that have ever taken place at the Best Party Anywhere and be assured that your mental health is still in good standing.
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19 Weird Songs For These Weird Times
by Jeff Smith | PUBLISHED ON APR 12, 2020
Music provides the soundtrack to our lives. From the bliss of traveling the open road on your way to the Sturgis Buffalo Chip® to the pain of being stabbed with a pencil by your significant other, there’s at least one song that perfectly captures virtually every aspect of our existence. However, “normal” has recently gone on vacation, and we’re exactly not sure when it will be returning. So in the meantime, check out this list of 18 freaky, funny and downright weird songs sure to give you a laugh during these weird times.
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Steal The Show: The Best Buffalo Chip Concert Moments Through the Lens of Jordan Axtman
by Jeff Smith | PUBLISHED ON SEP 19, 2019
If you’re a music lover and avid concertgoer, then you’ve no doubt experienced THE moment– the moment that cements the experience in your memory forever. A sustained note. An otherworldly solo. A dynamic performer who’s in the zone. Losing yourself in the collective of fellow fans around you as you all sing together that chorus, that lyric, that melody line, whatever it is, that’s been instrumental in the soundtrack of your life and sends chills up your spine.
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Magic Concert Moments Through the Lens of Jordan Axtman
by Mary Panerio | PUBLISHED ON SEP 13, 2018
Sometimes all it takes is a moment for your whole world to change. When you find yourself immersed in good live music, feeding off the collective energy of excited friends and hearing the familiar first notes of your favorite song can easily do the trick.
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Choose Your Own Adventure in Reformed Whores’ Journey to Greatness
by Mary Panerio | PUBLISHED ON DEC 14, 2017
From the moment they set foot on Sturgis Buffalo Chip® properly, the country comedy duo Reformed Whores had only thing on their minds—getting to share their hilariously irreverent set with as many folks as possible.
After a chance meeting with long-time Buffalo Chip “social lubricant” Captain Jack, the Whores set their sites on the Chip’s legendary main stage and decided they’d do just about ANYTHING to get there.
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