Buffalo Chip Vendor Application

If you are interested in becoming an Official Buffalo Chip Vendor, please fill out this form, click on “submit” and we will contact you when we begin to fill vendor spots for the rally.

Vendor Required Licenses and Permits

Apply Early and Save Money!

All vendors are required to have the following documents prior to being allowed to set up and operate.  In order for BC to be compliant with its Vendor Host License, BC’s contractual obligation to provide a vendor site is not effective until vendor obtains and provides proof of these documents. 

Temporary SD Sales Tax License (even if you have a permanent SD tax license) – SD Department of Revenue, Download application form here  605-394-2332.  You will be asked to place a bond up to $500.00 and pay taxes mid rally and at the termination of the event. Note:  The tax license must be obtained prior to application of the county permit.

Your space may be either subject to Meade County or Town of Buffalo Chip Transient Vendor Permit. Inquire of the Chip’s vendor manager to ascertain within which jurisdiction your space may be.

Click here for the Meade County Vendors Ordinance

Click here for the Meade County Vendors Application

The permit fee is $700 for the 1st booth, then $650 for each additional booth. If obtained prior to 30 days before rally, there is a 10% discount. We encourage vendors to take advantage of this discount and early planning opportunity.

SD Department of Health Certificate – required by all food vendors 605-773-3364.  Download application form here.  Tattoo Artists are also required to obtain a health certificate 605-773-5952.

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