Press Pass and Media Credentials Selection Criteria – Please Read Thoroughly and Carefully

Buffalo Chip press passes and media credentials are restricted and strictly controlled and so are limited to a maximum of two per organization with the exception of pre-approved film crews. Only valid press and media outlets will be credentialed. The assigning editor or news director must make requests for freelancers on the credentials form.


Consideration for media credentials will be based upon a number of elements:

  1. Verifiable circulation, unique visitors, viewer or listenership statistics, demographic and geographic saturation, etc.
  2. The outlet’s demonstrated willingness to abide by established rules during previous years
  3. The extent of previous coverage specific to the Sturgis Buffalo Chip during the rally
  4. The extent of previous coverage of the Sturgis Buffalo Chip leading up to and following the rally
  5. For outlets requesting credentials for the first time, the extent of previous coverage of other similar events and venues


Items 3 and 4 will be determined subjectively based on clippings, transcripts and links to video or audio you have provided to the Buffalo Chip. All media that have covered the Sturgis Buffalo Chip activities received with their credentials our instructions to send us copies of their coverage via link, email or postal mail. If we did not receive your materials, please submit immediately for consideration during the current credential process.

Press pass credential applications are evaluated each year. Being credentialed in the past does not guarantee you will be credentialed again. We will make efforts to accommodate as many media outlets as possible. Applicants will be notified promptly of approval or denial.

Your valid photo ID will need to be presented in order to pick up your credentials and passes onsite. Sharing and/or misuse of press passes and media credentials constitute a crime and abusers will be escorted off the premises immediately.

Thank you for your interest in covering Sturgis Buffalo Chip activities.

Media Credentials/Press Pass Application

2025 Sturgis Buffalo Chip

Pre-Rally Party Jul. 28–Jul. 31
Rally Aug. 1–Aug. 10

Contact Us

Cody Ertman
[email protected]
Office: 605-347-9000