Cool Bikes and Cool Kids from The One Motorcycle Show

By Brad Schneck

The One Motorcycle Show in Portland, OR celebrated its 10-year anniversary this year, and the entire motorcycle industry showed up to commemorate the occasion. Motorcycle enthusiasts and curious Portlandites braved the snowy weather for three days to see one of the most impressive collections of custom motorcycles available to the West Coast scene. Here’s a breakdown of the show.

CAMP ZERO was there with friends from Go Fast Don’t Die to get in on the action and let people know about the PB&J Ride and other events going down at CAMP ZERO this year. Free peanut butter and jelly sandwiches went into the hands of anyone who wanted one, and all kinds of people stopped by to chat about their mutual love of motorcycling.

The weekend started with a busy Friday night where The Pickle Factory packed with tons of people looking to get in and check out the bikes early. There were old friends reunited, new friends being made, and only the best of company hanging around chatting bikes and racing while sipping on See See Motorcycle Co. brewskis.

Live music blared through the entire building and some dancing was going down in front of the stage. Overall the night just felt like a big party and everyone was welcome. It was a great way to get things going.

Over the next couple of days, things went pretty smoothly with a little bit of snowfall and ice making for a chilly start. But with heaters blasting and coffee brewing, the doors opened promptly at 9 a.m., and the throngs started flooding in.

Immediately upon entering the building, attendees were confronted with an impressive display of Indian Motorcycle brand customs. Two projects spearheaded by Carey Hart were a constant attraction with the bright red colors of the collaborative King Killer catching your eye immediately.

Not far past that, guests could get a view of the brand new production model Indian FTR1200 and even get a quick minute to see how it felt to be on top of it. But the first room was just the tip of the iceberg, and there’s too many bikes to mention here.

Check out the full gallery of shots below to get a virtual walkthrough of some of the most pristine motorcycles assembled in one place.