Biker Belles

How to Stay Safe While Riding in the Rain

Riding in the rain takes an activity meant to be relaxing and turns it into anything but. Reduced visibility, poor traction, possibility of hydroplaning, and, for those without good rain gear, the stinging pain felt with each falling drop makes it a pretty miserable experience. Not to mention, it can be extremely dangerous. So what should you do when an unexpected turn in weather leaves you with no other option but to ride in the rain? Check out this article from Jacob Moore of SoloMoto to find out!
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How to Do Sturgis Vol. 2 – Answers to First-Timer Questions About Planning Their Trip

Albert Einstein once said, “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.” Although Einstein didn't ride a motorcycle or ever attend the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, anyone who's ever been a Sturgis first-timer probably relates to the sentiment.

Once you've made the commitment to come and have decided where you're staying, you realize there's still so much left to figure out.
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Avoid Hitting the Pavement by Hitting this Instead

Cagers are crazy—we all know it. You could paint your bike yellow and glue giant bird feathers and disco balls to it, and they still wouldn’t see you. If you want to survive to ride another day, you must ride smart and stay on top of your game. And because you spend about a third of your life on your bed, you have to sleep smart too. The connection between sleep deprivation and motorcycle accidents is clear. Avoid hitting the pavement just by hitting your mattress. Here are a few ways you’ll ride better after some quality sleep.
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3 After-Service Motorcycle Safety Checks That Will Have You On the Road in 90 Seconds Flat

One of the best feelings other than riding your motorcycle is when your ride gets out of the repair shop. Whether it needs a tune-up or you’re adding a custom touch, the urge to jump on and go as soon as it’s done can be irresistible. However, there are some things you MUST check after your motorcycle has been serviced to ensure your bike is fully functioning and safe to ride. Check out these easy motorcycle safety tips outlined in this post-service checklist from Fix My Hog that’ll ensure your bike is safe to ride in less than 90 seconds.
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Preserve Your Bike With These 4 Motorcycle Passenger Mounting and Dismounting Tips

You might think the most common paint and chrome issues seen in motorcycle body shops stem from accidents or vandalism. In reality, it’s damage that occurs from a bike tipping over because it was parked, mounted or dismounted incorrectly. Save yourself some coin and potential embarrassment by checking out these quick and easy tips for mounting, dismounting and riding with a passenger from Fix My Hog.
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Buffalo Chip Traditions That’ll Make You Feel at Home

For those who come to the Buffalo Chip every year, you know that there might be rain, and your tent fly could blow away, and if both happened on the same night your neighbors would throw you a towel and a beer and help you find the humor in the situation. Yes, a trek to the Best Party Anywhere™ can be full of exciting surprises that give you great stories to tell, but it’s some of the familiar things you know you can count on year after year that truly make the Buffalo Chip feel like home and its people feel like family. Check out some of these great traditions developed over the years by some of the Chip’s seasoned guests to see for yourself!
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Donnie Smith Show Recap: The Biggest and Best of 2016

After spending a long, wicked Minnesota winter bundled up to the point of virtual immobility, few things could keep a motorcycle or car enthusiast indoors on a sunny spring day. That is, of course, unless it’s the weekend of the annual Donnie Smith Bike & Car Show. Each year tens of thousands of freshly thawed enthusiasts flock to the RiverCentre in St. Paul, Minn. to experience this monster menagerie of motorcycles, cars and parts, and with good reason! Walking the floor, talking with some of the biggest names in the biz and gawking at every impeccable custom detail is a great way to melt your mind so you can start dreaming and scheming for your next scenic ride or customization project. Don’t believe it? Check out these show highlights for proof!
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15 Motorcycle Touring Tips that’ll Transform the Way You Travel

Being well prepared for a motorcycle trip can turn a bad trip good and a good trip great. But learning all the tips and tricks to save time, stay organized and have the most fun on the road often takes years of trial and error to figure out. Luckily you don’t have to wait years to have these “aha moments.” Revolutionize the way you ride by checking out these 15 insider motorcycle touring tips from staffers at the American Motorcyclist Association!
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The 7 Most Influential Players in Sturgis Rally History

There are few things in this world that make it past a 75-year milestone. This number often exceeds the human lifespan, and it’s certainly older than most motorcycles seen out on the road. So how is it the Sturgis Rally has made it this far? How could such an event not only be surviving at this age, but thriving? The answer lies in a small group of significant influencers that any rider worth his salt should get to know.
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